Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hello, I am Tiffany and welcome to my blog. I plan mostly to post about plus sized fashion and offer some beauty tips with the help of my sister Coreena. Expect pictures of me modeling my own clothes randomly and photo shoots shot by my best friend Josh. I am a full time college student so I’ll post when I can. 

Now, I guess I should tell you about my self. Like I already stated my name is Tiffany I am a full time college student and english major. I have loved to write since kindergarten, I was in the gallery 37 writing program in high school where I preformed my stories numerous places and I wrote for my high school new paper. I have a music blog, thisisstupiddontlook.com that I am working on restarting as well.

I decided to start a plus size fashion blog because well, I am plus size and I am often compliments by strangers and friends on my “unique” personal style. I have been “Fat” since the third grade, that was also when I started my first diet. After years of being teased as a kid, told by doctors I was over weight, and experimenting with various styles I finally found the one that was right for me. I love love interesting details on clothes. Ruffles, sequins, zippers, and bold colors to name a few. In my opinion every occasion requires a killer outfit. My down fall is I do not wear heels but, I swear I am about to start. Lastly I guess you should know I am Fat (a 24/26 to be exact and "professional squeezer”) and I am a shopaholic. I am constantly reading blogs and shopping at stores and online. 
Here’s a picture of me and my Kitty writing a post for you. Me and Demitri McSqueaken hope you like us!



Unknown said...

just came across your blog and i really like it so far! just wanted to let you know!

ps. i have a fatshion blog as well, musings of a fatshionista. let me know what you think!

Tiffany said...

Hi, I already read your blog actually, i even commented on your latest post! I'm glad you like it! I hope to get more followers soon..thanks!

betsy said...

hey, nice blog!

and lol at "professional squeezer!"

Nikki B said...

Im feelin this! You're so cute and I cant wait to see what you have planned for this blog :)

Tiffany said...

Thank You Thank You Thank You