Can I contact you?
You can email me at for business inquires only. For other questions I can be contacted on facebook, twitter, or my tumblr ask box.
Do you offer advertising, product reviews, etc?
Yes, check out my advertise/partner page here.
What's your name, where are you from?
I'm Tiffany from the South Side of Chicago.
Where do you shop?
A full list can be found in the side bar.
Which stores are UK, which ones are U.S. ?
All shops have the country where they are located on the website.
How do I convert Australian and U.K. sizes to U.S. Sizes?
The best thing to do is to take your measurements accurately and then compare them to the size chart of the retailer you are looking to purchase from. In addition conversions are available on some size charts. If you are fairly comfortable with ordering online and know what fabrics fit your body well use the conversions and order your usual US size. Keep in mind that there are different conversions for different retailers.
How much is shipping overseas?
It depends on the retailer. Many retailers like Evans offer flat rate shipping however, return shipping may not be as cheap so, be sure to order your correct size. Also, some retailers like Asos offer free shipping and returns; places like these are great if you're new to overseas shopping.
Can you pick out specific clothing items or style me for any specific season?
I do offer styling services for a fee. Feel free to email me at to discuss rates. You can also find my styling portfolio here.
What size are you?
I wear anything from a size 24 to 32.
How much do you weigh, how tall are you?
Probably over 350. I really don't know for sure. I'm 5'8 1/2.
What kind of camera do you use?
Nikon D3000. "Polaroids" are taken with a Fugifilm Instax 210.
What's the key to having a good blog?
There really is no right answer to this question because there is no right way to blog. I model my blog after my favorite blogs which have user friendly layouts, quality photos, a author with a unique sense of style and above all great content. Although that is the model I don't always succeed Also, blog about and wear what you like; don't post things or buy things because everyone else is and you feel it will bring you more traffic, I feel like a blog is it's best when you can feel the passion and genuineness of the author.
How do I get followers for my blog?
When I started my blog I would comment a genuine comment on my favorite blogs and leave my blog url in the comment, but after that it was just word of mouth. Being active on social media like twitter, tumblr, and facebook can help as well. Also, adding your photos to flickr pools, on, and submitting to fashion tumblrs can bring people to your blog. Remember to be a active part of the blogging community by befriending other bloggers etc. You never know who's help you'll need. Overall no matter how much promotion you do content is what keeps people coming back and sharing your blog with others.
Can you check out my blog and give feed back?
I love checking out new blogs and if I like the blog I'll comment and show it love, but I don't like to critique people's blogs. Folks can be very sensitive about their work. Also, I am not blog Jesus; I'm just me. All I can say is what I do and don't like, that doesn't mean other people will or won't like your blog.
How did you get ____ feature?/How did you style _____?
On occasion companies or people email me with opportunities and sometimes I accept.
Who did your blog layout?
How did you get confident?