Anyway, before I left I went a army surplus store in the east village and picked up a army shirt(I wear it as a jacket). I love this jacket so much, I want to wear it every day. Its not exactly the military trend, but it is from some division of the arm forces. I paired it with shorts and sheer tights. The sheers were fine during the day, but the later it got the colder I got. It may be time to put these away soon. I added my leopard print belt/scarf and new ankle boots from Evans, and also, an elephant pendent I got from Christina. It makes me think of my granny(she lived for elephants), so I wear it all the time now.
Blet/Scarf thingy - naKiMuli
Earrings - Somewhere
Elephant Necklace - Gifted from Christina
Black T- Shirt - Asos Curve
Army Shirt/Jacket - Army Surplus
Tights - Avenue
Shorts - Torrid
Shorts - Torrid
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