Everything, but Nothing at All

Saturday, February 12, 2011

School has kept me so busy that I haven't able to update the blog and I was missing a part for my tripod. I now have a new part for my tripod, so next week I may take outfit photos Monday thru Friday to show what I wear to school if you guys don't mind a week of more casual outfits. I do plan to post my outfit as well as a full recap from the thrifting day. I also plan to post  a outfit and recap from the clothing swap on Sunday. In the mean time I have been uploading Youtube videos. I don't plan to post them all on the blog in the future, but I just wanted to give you something and say I'm still alive.

This video is on fat on fat hate and hate in general.

In this video I show off what I got from the Mac Wonder Woman Collection.  This can be watched in HD.

My friend Jay and I talk about why glee is sucking this season including the way fat girls are being treated on the show. This can be watched in HD.

Pictures from the pass few days. 

The Target near my house has Nicole by OPI nail polish on sale for $3.50, so I bought some and painted my nails. 

I got a star cut into my hair. 

I went the Mac Pro store to check out the Wonder Woman Collection. Everything on my face is from the collection. 

I met the cutest pair of metallic yellow Docs on the train. Don't our feet look cute together? LOL

Also, you can still vote for me in the Refinery 29 Contest here. Just click the heart next to my name and face then accept the Facebook app. 

1 comment:

Bethamint said...

I really enjoyed these videos, I like your voice a lot! I've given up on glee for most of the reasons you listed.